Sunday 23 May 2010

A Guilt !

Were you struck with amnesia:
or allured
from the stupid political slogans
fancy political jargons of reconciliation
and politics of compromise?

was there an element of fear in your heart
or a moment of doubt in your mind
that you forgot
the screams of war children?

If not
then why didn't you hear?
Didn't you have ears to hear
eyes to see
and heart to feel?
Or ....
were your eyes remained mere sockets
that hold images captive in the museum of indifference?

you had eyes to see
and heart to feel
so didn't you see
those white birds of the neighboring village
crossing the wide river
consoling fellow birds
of your village
as if they were the widows of war?

If yes
then why you walked away
with an abandoned walk of guilt
leaving behind
every house
in its secretive wound
every child
in its secretive scream?

Farid Gul. London, April 26, 2010

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